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mAmB mCmD mEmF mGmH mImJ mKmL mMmN mOmP mQmR mSmT mUmV mWmX mYmZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
hard to beat +man 24
hariyana bidi NO. 702 +man 34
hart, e & man 5
hat man & brush 2
hazma fast +man 5
hazrat +man & buildings 24
health WEALTH +man & woman 5
health king +man 30
healthier way to life +man 1, 5
heart man & birds 16
heart man & square 5
hexagon man & arrow 19
hexagon man & arrows 1
hi-tech institute +man oval 44
himani NAVRATAN teil +man 5
hindusthan BOYRA +man & map 34
hit n fit +man & woman 24
hmt +man 21, 28
horse man & sun 30
horse & man 2, 16, 24, 25, 29, 33, 34, 42
horses man & woman 16
hp 200 +man 5
human values +man & oval 16
hut motorcycle man & circle 6
huts motorcycle man & circl 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42
hyderabad 10K RUN +man 41
i CAN +man 30
i got talent +man 41
incredible +man 16, 39
india HABITAT centre +man 16, 24
india TATLER +man 16
india TODAY CONCLAVE +man 16
india habitat centre +man 20
indian +man 34
man 16
indian CRICKET LEAGUE +man 9, 16, 28, 38, 41
indian DERBY +man & horse 41
indian FANTASY LEAGUE +man 9
indian SPOON +man & fork 31
indian TOUR IPGL +man 41
indiana books +man & circle 16
indo paints +man & circles 2
indore public school +man 41
indra MANCHAHI VARSHA +man 11
iodine K15 +man 1, 30
ips ACADEMY +man & torch 25
ipsa +cartoon of man 25
iq BLUE iq +man 5
iron man 28
iron BODY +man & oval 5
isab-bael SKN brand +man 5
j MART +man 25
j.m. JOSHI +man & circle 3, 16
jagat 103 +man 34
jagat 126 +man 34
jagat 156 +man 34
jai bharat brand +man horse 24
jaipur +building & man 34
jaipur marathon +man 41
janata biri +man 34
janatha NANNRI syrup +man 32
janta sabun +man & circle 3
jat super +man & plants 1
jd +man & bowl 3
jean PLAYER +man & horses 25
jindal pesticides +man 5
john PLAYER'S +man & circle 32
john ashfield +man & bats 24, 25
joshi special +cow & man 34
jp SALES ON GO +man & circl 16
k +man 3
k GHASIRAM +man 21
k KAVERI +man plough plants 7
man 17
k.m.c. KUBER masale +man 30
kaamna +man & ovals 31
kalyan +man 29
kashmiri CHUNA MAHESH +man 31
kathiwad JALARAM +man circl 29
kesri KHAINI +man 34
key & man 6
khodays MIKE DANIEL +man 33
khodays royal prince +man 33
khushboo +man 31
khushboo +man & flowers 3
kisan brand +man & plough 5
kisan mark +man & oval 35
kiwam 20 +man 34
kiwam 30 +man 34
kleansite +man & square 42
kolhapuri katta +man 43
kolkata KNIGHT RIDERS +man 20, 35
konkan GAS +man 35
konkani ROCKS +man tree ova 9
konkani ROCKS! +man & tree 35
krispy UNCLE'S MAGIK +man 30
ktm HRITHIK +man 25
ktp KISAN zarda +man & glob 34
kuber 122 +man & oval 18
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